Why GenZs’ Middle Management Apathy Should Get Every Organizational Leader’s Attention.

When Gen Zs speak, organizations had better listened or …

It is already an established fact already that Post Millennials particularly Gen Zs have disrupted the organizational statusquo and as the key players in the digital workers space, they are definitely making their presence felt and voices heard beyond social justice and activism. 

It turns out that career progression is important to Gen Zs contrary to earlier notions.  According to Mckinsey’s latest report, “Many digital workers have shifted priorities and rank career advancement potential and workplace flexibility among their top reasons for staying in their current roles or moving on to new opportunities”.

What leaders’ have not paid attention to (or maybe just realizing) is that the traditional career progression map needs to change or it will be forced to change to the demands of the digital workers generation. Put differently, organizations need to quickly rethink the traditional career ladder.  

Emerging trends in organizations point to a great and deep apathy to middle management and middle manager positions by Gen Zs because of how organizations have treated middle managers over the years. Consequently, GenZs are demanding career growths and promotions over this level.  

Recent reports cite middle managers as the most burnt-out group, the most stuck-in-a-rut- group and the least developed group.  Any wonders still why the Gen Zs’ want to skip this level?

How is your organization managing this shift?  

Is your organization positioned to accommodate this shift and still have seasoned leaders without the “stuck in a rut” middle management to lead your teams?

At Authentic Transformations, we work with organizations to build emerging leaders’ capacity, to develop leadership skills necessary to lead and perform at higher levels.

To see how we can help your organization to build up the leadership bench or understand how other clients are navigating this shift, click on the contact us button or schedule a call below. 

To read more about the Mckinsey report, here is the link: