
How Fear Robbed Me Big Time

By Authentic Transformations

I usually tell this painful story of how fear robbed me big time some years ago. I started working on my book on excuses in 2014.  At this time, Amazon self-publishing was scouting for manuscripts.  I stumbled on one of these scouting messages and submitted the details of my book. I got a response right away from…

Why Mentoring is Essential for Success in Today’s AI-Driven, Post-Pandemic Workplace

By Authentic Transformations

I have been studying and following research studies on the impact of the pandemic (and now AI) on organizations and have written quite a bit about these. Over the past few years, the younger generations have been impacted by the different changes in organizational work arrangements. Following the pandemic and now the resurgence of AI,…

Growth facilitator

By Authentic Transformations

At the local library a few weeks ago, I met a lady who for some reason ended up in the corner of the library where I was.   She is one of those curious and effervescent kind of people and soon we were talking like long lost friends.   She immediately told me what she does and…

Mentorship: The Ultimate Leadership Legacy

By Authentic Transformations

If you have been following my writings, trainings and keynote speaking on leadership over the years, you know already that I am not only passionate about leadership (which was why I have spent years researching and understanding it) but also, that I am particularly passionate of about leadership legacy.   It is the ultimate leadership accomplishment.…

UNSTUCK, UNBLOCK and get moving.

By Authentic Transformations

I like to go on long trail walks and hikes.  The journey through these natural pathways is exhilarating and (sometimes exhausting).  It often requires a mental readiness as well as physical readiness including making sure that you have the right gears. Sometimes we stop for a little rest and before we know it, we forget it was…

What Pain Are You Feeling?

By Authentic Transformations

I run for fun and to keep fit. I have been running for a very long time.  After so many years, my body is beginning to reap the fruits of pounding miles and miles of pavements and trail paths. Each time I go out for walk/run, right after the first two miles, I will start to…

What is it about mindset?

By Authentic Transformations

What is it about Mindset?  During a recent interview on the Be Better Broadcast, I was asked what is more important for growth in organizations: (a) skills, (b) relationship or (c) mindset. While all the three elements are important, I singled out mindset because it is one that is at the core of everything else…how…

Leadership Underperformance and the Culture of Excuse-making

By Authentic Transformations

January is typically, characterized by inspiring townhall meetings, retreats to marshal out the strategies for delivering and executing organizational goals, juiced up with key notes that lift employees’ spirits.  These are all good.  In my corporate HR days, I like to select these speakers, identify the books we need to read as an organization and to facilitate…

What is Enough for You?

By Authentic Transformations

I made a very slow start into the New year.  I also know that stepping into the new year is not a matter of the appearance of January 1st or 2nd on the calendar but a mindset.   There is always a mindset and a state of mind that I embrace the new year with and this year that…

Why GenZs’ Middle Management Apathy Should Get Every Organizational Leader’s Attention.

By Authentic Transformations

When Gen Zs speak, organizations had better listened or … It is already an established fact already that Post Millennials particularly Gen Zs have disrupted the organizational statusquo and as the key players in the digital workers space, they are definitely making their presence felt and voices heard beyond social justice and activism.  It turns…