Guides & Resources

Leading from the Center of Excellence (Part 1)

By Authentic Transformations

To lead and live authentically is to lead from your center of excellence.  What exactly does that mean?  Authentic leadership is a values-driven leadership.  If you are wavering on what exactly are the values driving your life, it will be almost impossible to claim authenticity.  This is because authentic behaviors are internally guided by a leader’s true self, anchored…

 Profitability is not Equal to Leadership Effectiveness

By Authentic Transformations

 Performance Profit is not = Leadership Effectiveness (this might sound a little controversial). Performance Profit results is important in leadership, but it is not the totality of effective leadership.  As a leader, you could have some lofty achievements that have made your shareholders happy and not be perceived by your team or organization as an effective leader.  Your…

Where are You on Your Journey?

By Authentic Transformations

Life is a journey.  Life is a race.  The latter gets confused with competition.  Life is not a competition but it is a race.  It has a starting point and a finishing line.   And the finish line?  Where you want to get  to at the end? We have called this vision and sometimes we have called it dream.  Irrespective of the term,…

Temporarily Lost

By Authentic Transformations

On my way to dropping my son off at school this morning, I saw a sticker on a car in front of me that read “It’s ok.  We are all a little lost sometimes”.  I kept thinking about this statement as I drove.  My first thought was, absolutely, I am always lost even with gps (which never ceases…


By Authentic Transformations

Self-leadership is the primary foundation for leadership success for any individual but most especially for anyone aspiring to lead a team or organization.    Self-leadership is  a self-influencing process that enables an individual to set performance objectives with determined motivation and force.   Self-leadership requires that you take control of your thoughts and your development as a person towards…

Transparency and Why it Matters

By Authentic Transformations

Transparency is not expendable in leadership.  Transparency builds credibility which build trust which build influence which makes a leader worth following.  Put differently, transparency is a foundation of credibility which is the foundation of trust which leads to influence and impact. Without influence there is no leadership. Transparency or lack of it thereof, in leadership is costly.  It…

Review, Reflect and Grow

By Authentic Transformations

It is that time of the year again, when we pause to review, reflect and renew.  Some say it is time to press the reset button.  Whatever time we use or no matter how we approach it, we often tend to set change goals at this season and ponder strategies for success in the coming…

The Vision on Your Deathbed

By Authentic Transformations

I stumbled on a story of adventure, love and happily ever after recently.  And somewhere in this exciting story, the writer said, “There is no expiry date on opportunity”.  I initially thought, oh, that is so true.  Then I thought oh no, that is not very correct.  There is definitely expiry date on opportunities.  I…

Self-awareness:  What it is not

By Authentic Transformations

Self-awareness is about knowing who we are and how things affect us.  It involves intentionality – being present and alert.  We need to be alert and present to what is happening around us but this can become over-whelming in present times.  There is so much to hear, so much to see and so much to…

Connections and Disconnections

By Authentic Transformations

Building connections is great because we are all connected.  Sometimes, we need to disconnect some connections.  A good question to ask is “when”?  Another good question is “why”? For each person the answers are going to be different.  As we all scramble to build and increase connections, let us look and see what disconnection(s) needs…