Guides & Resources

What If I Don’t Fit?

By Authentic Transformations

What If I Don’t Fit? (Stereotyping Part 1) Stereotyping is not fundamentally wrong when you think of why we do it as humans. I believe that it is problematic and prevalent because we have not paid attention to why we do it in the first place and so we have not been able to combat it.   Understanding…

Fear as a Catalyst for Personal Growth

By Authentic Transformations

In my book “The Truth Behind Excuses: Underperformance Explained”, I discussed how fear stops us from reaching our fullest potential and forces us to find excuses for inaction and procrastination.   I once argued that fear is not the absence of faith as it is popularly said.  And fear is not the opposite of faith.  I think both…

Succeeding in Corporate Organizations

By Authentic Transformations

The corporate organization is not all together a villain.  Dreams can be achieved in the corporate organizations.  Purposes can be pursued while working in the corporate organizations. Accepted, corporate organizations have various dynamics that tend to frustrate us and grieve our spirits, but corporate organizations are like the sports playing field, you have to know your position…

The Process And the Outcome

By Authentic Transformations

Personal growth comes from a process.  While the outcome is desirable, we must go through the process of change.  We must confront our fears and take the risk. We have to unveil ourselves (stop hiding behind a mask), confront our doubts and fears and deal with the What-ifs.  When you prioritize the process, you give yourself permission to explore…

Do not Live Today Exactly as You Lived Yesterday.

By Authentic Transformations

Do not live today exactly as you lived yesterday may sound jarring, or even counter intuitive. What about the benefits of structure, routine and habit? Imagine waking up each morning with a heart pounding full of excitement, not knowing what adventure the day holds. Every new encounter, every fresh challenge, and every unexplored avenue becomes…

Intentional Legacy

By Authentic Transformations

Are you building anything that you hope will outlast you?  Maybe something that will endure into generations in the future?  Every organizational leader should be intentional about what they leave behind at the end of their term.  Sometimes leaders are so focused on what to achieve that they fail to think of what will remain when they leave…

Sustained Performance from the Core

By Authentic Transformations

Elite athletes irrespective of the sport benefit from a strong core.  At a high level, a strong core provides strength, stability and improves speed. For runners, the strong core muscles prevent wobbling.   And here is where it gets interesting, core strength also significantly improves balance, meaning that you recover quickly from missteps small and large. To lead effectively…

The Upside-Down Seniority:  Why Leaders must learn to learn from the younger generation.

By Authentic Transformations

Leaders need to know what they do not know.  Effective leaders work hard to cover their gaps and build capabilities.   I recently read a piece by one of my Facebook connections defending why and how a younger friend is her mentor.  She explained that mentorship has nothing to do with age. Mentorship is about someone who has something…

Leadership Ripple Effects

By Authentic Transformations

Leadership ripple effects is about the impact leaders and individuals have on their organizations and communities.  Like a stone thrown into a calm pond, leadership behaviors create a ripple effect that extends beyond immediate interactions, and influences various aspects of the organizational and societal ecosystem.   My cousin and I are commencement speech junkies. We trade commencement…

The courage to lead from within

By Authentic Transformations

To lead authentically requires courage.  Courage to lead from within.  This kind of courage is derived from internalized values and strong moral compass.   Such courage means not being fazed by noise.  It means not compromising your values by succumbing to pressure to be accepted, to belong or to bow to the demands of the powers that be, when such demands…